For spørgsmål eller klage, kontakt os venligst på contact@kimonista.com
Privatliv og sikkerhed
Last updated 09 June 2023
What type of information do we collect?
We receive, collect and store any information you enter on our website or provide us in any other way. In addition, we collect the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet. We may use software tools to measure and collect session information, including page response times, length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information, and methods used to browse away from the page. We also collect personally identifiable information (including name, email, communications).
How do you collect information?
When you fill up the contact form on our website, as part of the process, we collect personal information you give us such as your name, company name, address and email address. Your personal information will be used for the specific reasons stated above only.
Why do you collect such personal information?
We collect such Non-personal and Personal Information for the following purposes:
To provide and operate the Services;
To provide our Users with ongoing customer assistance and technical support;
To be able to contact our Visitors and Users with general or personalized service-related notices and promotional messages;
To create aggregated statistical data and other aggregated and/or inferred Non-personal Information, which we or our business partners may use to provide and improve our respective services;
To comply with any applicable laws and regulations.
How can you withdraw your consent?
If you don’t want us to process your data anymore, please contact us at privacy@dumesnil.eu or send us mail to: Dumesnil 19 Grande Rue, 76200 Dieppe, Normandie, France
Time limit to respond
We try to respond to all legitimate requests within one month. Occasionally it may take us longer than a month if your request is particularly complex or you have made a number of requests. In this case, we will notify you and keep you updated.
Data Security
We have put in place appropriate security measures to prevent your personal data from being accidentally lost, used or accessed in an unauthorised way, altered or disclosed. In addition, we limit access to your personal data to those employees, agents, contractors and other third parties who have a business need to know. They will only process your personal data on our instructions and they are subject to a duty of confidentiality.
Privacy policy updates
We reserve the right to modify this privacy policy at any time, so please review it frequently. Changes and clarifications will take effect immediately upon their posting on the website. If we make material changes to this policy, we will notify you here that it has been updated, so that you are aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we use and/or disclose it.
Questions and your contact information
If you would like to: access, correct, amend or delete any personal information we have about you, you are invited to contact us at contact@kimonista.com or send us a mail to: Dumesnil 19 Grande Rue, 76200 Dieppe, Normandie, France
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- Dit fulde navn
- Dit firmanavn og adresse
- Dit virksomhedsregistreringsnummer og EU-momsnummer
- Dit telefonnummer og din e-mailadresse
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Tilgængelighedserklæring for Kimonista
Dette er en tilgængelighedserklæring fra Dumesnil sarl.
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) definerer krav til designere og udviklere for at forbedre tilgængeligheden for mennesker med handicap. Den definerer tre niveauer af overensstemmelse: Niveau A, Niveau AA og Niveau AAA. Kimonista er delvist i overensstemmelse med WCAG 2.1 niveau AA. Delvist overensstemmelse betyder, at nogle dele af indholdet ikke fuldt ud overholder tilgængelighedsstandarden.
Vi glæder os over din feedback om tilgængeligheden af Kimonista. Fortæl os venligst, hvis du støder på tilgængelighedsbarrierer på Kimonista:
Telefon: +33974982475
E-mail: contact@kimonista.com
Besøgsadresse: 19 Grande Rue
Postadresse: 76200 Dieppe, Frankrig
Vi forsøger at svare på feedback inden for 2 hverdage.
Tekniske specifikationer
Tilgængelighed af Kimonista er afhængig af følgende teknologier til at fungere med den særlige kombination af webbrowser og eventuelle hjælpeteknologier eller plugins installeret på din computer:
Disse teknologier er afhængige af overensstemmelse med de anvendte tilgængelighedsstandarder.
Dumesnil sarl vurderede tilgængeligheden af Kimonista ved følgende tilgange:
Denne erklæring blev oprettet den 21. august 2024 ved hjælp af W3C Accessibility Statement Generator Tool .